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Meet Inna Korenzvit of KORE Accounting Solutions in Scottsdale

I was born in the former Soviet Union into a working-class family. Despite their long working hours and our very meager living conditions, I grew up in a loving and caring family. Unfortunately, my father passed away at a young age when I was just a child, and shortly thereafter, my mother, my older brother and I decided to leave the USSR to escape political and religious persecution. When we crossed the border and embarked on our journey to a new and better life, our physical possessions consisted of three suitcases, $42, and the clothes on our backs.
I was a young teenager when our family arrived in Canada, by way of Italy (so that we could get documentation to enter Canada). Neither I nor my mother spoke English, but our determination to work hard, learn, and succeed had kept us going. I had an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age, and almost as soon as we arrived in Canada, I started my own baby-siting service. After graduating high school, I finished hairstyling/cosmetology school and opened my first “official” business called “Just for Kids” – a hair salon for kids, which was inside a children’s clothing section of a department store. While running my salon and working part-time in sales and accounting at another company, I put myself through four years of college, graduating with a Business degree from Toronto’s York University.
Just before graduation, I met my husband, and we married shortly thereafter. We’ve been happily married for 34 years. Since my mother was kind enough to babysit for us, I was able to continue working after our first two sons were born. I found that working in accounting gave me the flexibility I needed as a mother of two toddlers, while allowing me to apply my organizational and problem-solving abilities to help my customers.

When he was 7 months old, our second son, Zakhary, was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Faced with this devastating diagnosis, we became determined to do everything we could to help our son exceed the dismal prognosis given to us by his doctors. Ultimately, my husband and I decided that I would quit my job, we would give up some of our physical comforts, and I would concentrate on taking care of our family full time. After fighting for several years to get medical services for our special needs son, we decided that the poor diagnostic and treatment options available in Canada were untenable, and we decided to move to Arizona, where my husband’s company had offered to relocate us. During a previous visit to Phoenix, we were impressed with the much higher quality of care and medical choices available, and we also realized the warm climate was much more conducive to Zak’s development than the constant inclement weather of Toronto. While it was hard to leave our family and friends behind, moving to Arizona was the right choice.

We moved to Scottsdale in early 1995, where I stayed home, raising our four boys. I believe to this day that the most important job for any woman is to make sure that their children grow up to be educated, self-confident and contributing members of our society. While motherhood was more than a full-time job, after a couple of years, I took on part-time work to stay current with my accounting knowledge and to supplement our family’s income.

As my children got older and became more independent, I wanted to rejoin the workforce. That choice was made easy for me when in 2010, during the height of the recession my husband lost his job. I was ready to return to work full time. After looking at what opportunities were available, the only job offers I would get was as a sales clerk for $8/hr. Not only would that not even come close to supporting a family of 6, but I felt that with my skills, education, and experience, I could offer more value than that, and that’s how KORE Accounting Solutions was born.

Tell us more about KORE Accounting.

Since its inception, KORE Accounting Solutions has grown and evolved. One of the biggest and best changes I made, and also among the hardest was to transition from an hourly rate to a fixed-price model.

The catalyst for this change was being nominated and selected by Intuit in 2016 as a “Firm of the Future”. As part of this distinction, KORE Accounting, along with four other bookkeeping and accounting firms from across the country, were given the opportunity to participate in an extensive 6-month workshop with thought leader, innovator, and Value Pricing expert, Ron Baker. This program opened our eyes to the benefits of engaging with clients on a fixed-price basis and helped us realize that billing by the hour is truly antithetical to having great client relationships.

Tell us more about KORE Accounting
However, while we recognized the benefits of providing customers with a fixed-price, we learned first-hand that shaking up the industry-wide status quo and totally reframing our existing client relationships would not be an easy task. As scary as it was to change the way we did things, my team and I decided that it was the right move for our company, and over the months that followed, we took the leap and attempted to transition all of our customers over to this new model. While many of our clients embraced the change, this move did result in several customers leaving.

There were a number of times throughout our fixed-price transition process where we questioned if it was the right move for us, but looking back 4 years later, I can say unequivocally that it’s been resoundingly net positive for us. In addition to allowing us to better serve our customers, we’ve been a resource to other business owners and professionals looking to make this change.

We’d love to hear more about your business.

KORE Accounting Solutions is a future-focused management accounting firm specializing in helping solo and small law firms, as well as other service-based companies, stay compliant while running more profitable businesses. As a matter of fact, about a year ago we have changed our name from KORE Bookkeeping to KORE Accounting to better reflect the role we play in our customer’s success. Management accounting is a big part of what we do. We are a completely paperless firm that believes in utilizing the incredible technology and tools available today to help businesses run more efficiently and effectively. In addition to providing our legal accounting expertise, we work with our customers as part of their team, helping them make sense of their financial data and empowering them to make great business decisions.
women owned business

We are a family company, and our biggest strength is our combined expertise, complementary skills, and personality traits. My husband Alex, who has worked with me part-time since the start, is an engineer and brings analytical skills, knowledge of financial systems, and ability to integrate and consolidate data from various sources into easy-to-digest customized reports. My oldest son Mark, who has been a part of our professional team since 2015, brings experience in technology and operations, as well as business development. I draw on my many years of accounting expertise, experience, organizational skills, and attention to detail to ensure the quality and accuracy of the results we deliver to our customers.

Who We Are

Inna Korenzvit img
Inna Korenzvit
Founder & Principal Accountant


Inna is a Member of the AZ Supreme Court Committee on Character and Fitness. A graduate of the School of Business at York University in Toronto, Canada, Inna has more than 25 years of accounting experience. In 2008, Inna founded KORE Bookkeeping Solutions (now KORE Accounting Solutions) with a goal of helping business owners be successful…

Mark Khazanovich
Mark Khazanovich
Director of Operations

Coming from the tech industry, Mark has a strong background in operational management and leadership, software implementation, and cloud technologies. As an Elite Level QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor and a Clio Gold Certified Partner, Mark enjoys…

The KORE Pricing Manifesto

Our pricing philosophy and approach, explained.

How We Price

We believe that billing by the hour makes it impossible to truly become part of your team and work with you in a collaborative way. That’s why, rather than being billed by the hour for the tasks we complete, we provide you with a fixed price that’s based on the deliverables you can expect and the access you have to our team. We never want you to be in a position where you’re reluctant to ask a question because you know you’ll be billed in 15 minute increments, and you shouldn’t ever have to wonder if a task “really took as long as they said it did”. Regardless of how long it takes us to do something, how long we spend on a call with you, or how many times we have to get in touch with Intuit support to resolve an issue, you are able to confidently budget the same amount for your accounting services month after month.

How Your Price is Determined

The needs of your business are as unique as you are, which is why we can’t simply give you a price without “looking under the hood”. In the same way that a mechanic can’t give you an accurate quote for a repair until they take a good look at your car, the only way we can provide a fair price that we can stand by is to get a thorough understanding of where your accounting is when you come to us and where you’d ideally like it to be. That’s why the first step in our process is always to conduct a Financial Health Assessment of your firm – in addition to the valuable insight you’ll get about the state of your accounting, the FHA gives us the knowledge we need to provide you with a price that allows us to deliver the service you expect.

What if the scope changes?

We believe that your bill should never surprise you, which is why your price will NEVER change without us agreeing to the terms ahead of time. We understand that scope changes and things come up which is why we have a strict Change Order Policy – you can be sure that any adjustments or updates to your invoice are discussed and agreed to ahead of time, enabling you to continue budgeting and planning effectively.

Re-Evaluating as Your Needs Evolve

As your business grows and evolves over time, your accounting needs will change to reflect that growth. While some variability is definitely built into the price we initially provide, there comes a point where, in order for us to continue supporting your increased accounting needs, our price needs to be adjusted. At minimum, we’ll review your price on an annual basis to make sure that it still fairly and accurately reflects the scope of our engagement, and if not, we’ll work with you to update the terms.

Can’t I get bookkeeping services done cheaper?

More than just doing your monthly compliance bookkeeping, we work with you as a member of your team. We proactively provide guidance, suggestions, and observations, and we’re also available to you as a resource when you have questions or are looking for advice. Our services are done 100% in the United States rather than being outsourced, and we are experts in accounting for small law firms as well as the various systems they use. We are confident that our price reflects the value, quality of work, experience, and expertise you get when we work together, but we also recognize that we’re not the right fit for all small businesses.

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

We take pride in our work and the services we provide, and we are confident that the results will meet or exceed your expectations, which is why all of our services include our KORE Satisfaction Guarantee – if you are dissatisfied with the quality of our work, we will do everything we can to make it right, or we will refund you for the service delivered below your satisfaction.

Next Steps

To talk more about our pricing philosophy, accounting, or to schedule a Financial Health Assessment, you can reach a member of the KORE Team by emailing [email protected] or calling us at (480) 818.KORE (5673). We’re looking forward to connecting with you!

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