Meet Inna Korenzvit (CanvasRebel Bio)

Originally published by CanvasRebel – see original article here!

We were lucky to catch up with Inna Korenzvit recently and have shared our conversation below.

Inna, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Naming anything – including a business – is so hard. Right? What’s the story behind how you came up with the name of your brand?

K-O-R-E happen to be the first four letters of my last name, and the name KORE fits into my values and mission so well! Our tag line is: “Strengthening the KORE of your business – that’s our bottom line”, and it truly represents what we deliver for our clients. Good financial records and information are essential to every business, and if the business owners don’t know their numbers, they don’t know their business. By providing financial services to our customers, we enable them to make prudent business decisions and therefore grow and succeed. Everything that we do is with our customers’ best interest in mind, and being successful ourselves is a byproduct of that.

Get In Touch

Inna, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?

I graduated the School of Business at York University in Toronto, Canada, and have more than 25 years of accounting experience. In 2008, after my four sons were grown up and I could once again dedicate full time to my career, I founded KORE Bookkeeping Solutions (now KORE Accounting Solutions) with a goal of helping business owners be successful. Since then, KORE Accounting Solutions has become a leader in providing accounting services and financial insights to law firms and other businesses across the United States. In addition to working closely with my clients to help them stay compliant and make the most of their financial data, I am also involved in various community organizations, including being a member of business advisory board at our local community college, and serving as a Public Member of the Arizona Supreme Court’s Committee on Character & Fitness.

Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?

Ever since emigrating as a child from the former Soviet Union, where entrepreneurship was not only forbidden but punishable by imprisonment or worse, I dreamt of having my own business. I worked three jobs to put myself through college, all while taking my classes in the evenings and weekends. Shortly after graduation, I put my dream on hold and concentrated on raising my four wonderful sons. When my kids were grown up, I was able to start my business; however, being out of the work force for almost 20 years, I had to start from scratch and practically relearn everything. Oftentimes, it was so hard that I felt like crying, but I was determined to accomplish what I had set out to do and wouldn’t let myself quit!

Meet our Founder

We’d love to hear about you met your business partner.

My husband and my kids have always been my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. They encouraged me when times were tough and celebrated all the wins with me. And so, it was only natural that after a while, my husband started working with me. He is the most analytical person I know and can troubleshoot and solve any problem that we may encounter at KORE Accounting Solutions. Likewise, as we were growing and started looking for additional team members, my oldest son was a perfect fit. Mark is very personable, smart, efficient, dedicated, hardworking, and had all the technical skills that we were looking for. I am constantly asked where and how I found Mark – our customers love him! We have worked together for the last seven years, and each one of us brings essential skills to our firm. I honestly feel that we wouldn’t be nearly as successful without each other!

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